Friday, October 2, 2009

The height of political sleuthing

Well done, Liberals and NDP. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this kind of accusation should come up. Obviously, the Tories worked very closely with the parties involved to ensure that we only see and think 'Conservative' on our athletes at the upcoming Winter Olympics and not our country. The Loyal Opposition have truly outdone yourselves. Sheesh.

This does get me thinking, though, that the opposition might want to get in touch with a few more companies with logos that are clearly too 'Conservative' for their own good. This betrayal of Canadian interests must not go unnoticed!

Shame on you Canada Steamship Lines, CanJet, and Colt Canada! Your fawning for the governing Conservatives has been exposed for the world to see and there's nothing you can do about it. How can I, about as regular a guy as they come, see a logo for Canada Steamship Lines and not think anything but Conservative?!

I will be wary of any stylized 'C' I come across from now on. It just can't be trusted.


Marie said...

Canadian Steamship Lines???

That's irony at it's best.

Owned by Paul Martin - gifted to him by uber-Liberal China magnate and Bob Rae's "uncle" Maurice Strong and backed by uber-uber Liberal power brokers Power Corporation and Jean Chretien's daughter's husband's Desmairais family which had hired Cauchon as their butler!!!

Oh those nefarious Conservatives.

Kadam said...

Oh my! I just realized the Canucks, Flames and Habs are secret conservative plots

DeeDee said...

So lets see...

Can't use a big red "C" or a maple leaf because they are on the Conservative logo too...


A big red "K"?

Now what to replace the maple leaf with, hmmmmmm.

That ones kind of hard because its on our flag and all of our money and everything.

A beaver? Back bacon?

A touque?

Or how about a beaver wearing a touque eating back bacon while drinking a beer?

On second thought a C and a maple leaf is just fine...