Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Tale of Two PMs

I saw the video of Stephen Harper that's making the rounds. My wife and I just couldn't help but smile because all politics aside, it just looked like a lot of fun.

This was a nice surprise given how rarely we see our political leaders in this kind of light. Maybe this is still too fresh in their minds.


Katey said...

Harper jamming with Yo-Yo Ma was way cool-unlike Paul Martin's desperate attempts to be cool, which were only pathetic and painful to watch. However, while Paul Martin's "rockin'" was covered by the liberal worshipful media, has there even been a peep from them about Harper actually succeeding to perform?

Anonymous said...

I can expect the MSM to carry this shortly after Satan laces up his skates to go to work. (that would be Beelzebub, not Miroslav, Satan.)

Rose21 said...

Part of the problem with Martin's performance was that it was not really him. Harper's piano playing, however, is really him. It's something he likes to do and it comes through. Iggy is making similar mistakes to Martin. Posing for that ad with the nature backdrop, the city tree-scape, seemed set up. He would have seemed more authentic in an office setting. I think he has not got his grounding yet as a politician.