Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Is Ignatieff on to something?

I still have a hard time seeing another election happening this fall. There are just too many factors suggesting a negative outcome for the Liberals. That being said, I wonder if this is a move on the part of Mr. Ignatieff to avoid being painted into a corner like previous election bluffs.

Back in January, the NDP and the Bloc quickly let everyone know that they wouldn't support the budget. This left the Liberals with no legitimate option but to allow the budget to pass, and discrediting Ignatieff as an effective leader in the process.

I wonder if this doesn't have something to do with avoiding that this time around. Instead of being painted into a corner by the NDP and the Bloc, the other opposition are now in a position where their decision, and not the Liberals, determines whether or not Canadians go to the polls once again. Iggy doesn't have to take credit for dissolving parliament and therefore saves face. At least somewhat.

While it's nice to see the Liberals actually taking a stand (er... maybe), I can't help but note that it still has little to do with anything but trying to make themselves look good.


MrEd said...

and with the H1N1 flu as a viable excuse for not showing up to vote against Harper it's easy enough to avoid...

Joanne (True Blue) said...

I think Mr. Ed nailed it.

Polling data will determine the health of the MPs and whether or not they will all show up to vote.

Bec said...

"Is Iggy on to something?"

The question should really be,

Is Iggy ON something?

Anonymous said...

All the polling and information show that it will be a repeat of the last election, which would be a miserable failure for Ignatieff.

Anonymous said...

No. The Libs can vote against the government and just ensure that 15 of them don't show up for the vote.

Anonymous said...

I don't think its polling data Joanne, but how close any given MP is to the magic 6 years in office. For those that are short now, but will make the cut in May an election is a million dollar plus gamble. An MP with 6 years in qualifies for a fully indexed pension of at least 35K per year (more if he was a cabinet minister or had other duties)and it starts at 55. Assuming a modest life expectancy of 85 and that equates to close to $1 million. So the million dollar question is, would you gamble that kind of benefit is Iggy can get into the history books????

There's a bunch of Blocers, libs and dippers who qualify next June since they were first elected in 2004. If they don't get re-elected, or if their leader decides to parachute a "star" into their riding then they are out their pension.

revanche said...

There is no turning back now for Iggy.

There is a big difference between the third place party telegraphing its intention early and what the Libs just did.

Folks, the election campaign has officially begun.

Harper should call his bluff and turn up the heat.

Russell said...

Turn up the heat? You mean more of the same type of attack ads everybody claims to loathe yet somehow the right doesn't loathe them when they're put out by the CPC?