Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Three cheers for this principal

This headline grabbed my attention today as our school went through the exact same scenario a few months ago. A number of staff at my school had purchased the devices as a means to eliminate the excessive cell phone use in the class. While the jammers worked like a charm, it was only a matter of time before someone called the division and complained. Hence, no more jammers.

I'd like to ask an open question: what would be an effective means to eliminating cell phone use in the classroom? We can't search students and can only take them away temporarily when we observe students using them. Students know we can't do anything, too, so long-term threats are an already-called bluff rather than a deterrent. How else should a teacher and school community approach the problem?


reddy said...

Umm. schools should be allowed to have jammers. All the parents who complain just need to find something better to worry about. Like, say, the fact that their kids are texting all the time rather then paying attention in class.

Katey said...

Once again the teahcers' arms are tied while the poor little darling students get to whine about yet another great "injustice" done to them. Why is ragging on the organization so popular and condoned? We listen to the whiners. All anyone has to do to get attention and compensation is to whine loud and long enough that their rights have been violated. I say that the fine line between rights and privileges has been blurred by many in Western society. We are living amongst a generation who think they're entitled to anything their little heart desires.