Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Mrs: 311... Me: 14

It's finally happened. Despite months of opposition and denial, my wife has 'convinced' me to indulge in a little Twilight, sparkly vampires and all. If there are any husbands/boyfriends with any survival tips, please let me know.


Jaima said...

Jason, I am so proud of you. I hope that you enjoy the book. Maybe you could tell Jeff how much you like it.

reddy said...

I just lost a twinge of respect for your wife there, Jas. But hey, now you can join the MWWMTRT Club (Men Whose Wives Made Them Read Twilight).

Jason said...

I guess I should clarify. I'm starting small and watching the video. The books remain another matter entirely... for now. Sigh....

robins111 said...

Teenie bopper love story.

But a great plot.

My grand daughter got me to real it

Pearce said...

I would say you are fine... Being asked to watch a movie is a lot different than being asked to read a book. I'll watch a bad movie to appease my girlfriend. No way I'm putting the time and energy into reading a bad book. Not when there are so many good books out there waiting to be read.

Jason said...

I'll admit that I went in with some pretty strong ideas about how bad it was: I've probably heard something about it from the girls in my classes ever since the film came out.

For those who are wondering, it wasn't bad but naturally the Mrs. says that I can get a better understanding by reading the book. I guess we'll see who wins round 2...

Katey said...

You'd better believe it. I shall be commencing my victory dance soon. Evil cackles.