The view from our window earlier this afternoon. 'Nuff said.
As an aside, and not simply for the purposes of this post, I honestly cannot remember ever having seen snow in May during my many years in Canada. It's been a long and dreary winter up in Slave Lake and still it refuses to give it up for the year.
Update: Still snowing at 8:41 pm.
So that'll give you, what? 4 months of summer?
TangoJuliette sez:
Well sure. Look at just how far north you are. Are the seals, polar bears and penguins suffering much with the eat spell.
May 24 weekend, 1975, Kitchener Waterloo Ontario. About as far south from the nort pole as one can get in Canada: 8 inches of snow. Long after most folk had shucked their snow tires and chains.
In various parts of Canada, I have experienced snow in every month except July.
I think Gore is a fat sleek buffoon.
t.e. & o.e.
Anon, come on out to Calgary.
In my 18 years in Calgary I have seen snow in every month, including sitting in the stands at the Stampede in a driving snow storm.
Cranky...when was that? I've been in Calgary 40 years and I don't ever remember snow in July.
Well Larry you must have been out of town because my husband remembers cooking at a stampede breakfast in a driving snow storm. He thinks maybe in the late 90's but don't bet the farm on those exact dates.
I remember blizzards in May but not July. Torrential rain in July, but not a blizzard.
Maybe it's time to get a tune up on my lobotomy. :)
I grew up in Medicine Hat which is obviously quite a bit further south. For those who don't know, Medicine Hat is quite hot and arid... precipitation and cold don't happen too much outside of the winter.
Talking with friends and family back at home reveals that recent years have been cooler than what people were used to. Or at least it seemed that way.
I know I'm pretty far north in comparison. Even the locals, though, are a bit surprised by what they've seen.
I do in fact remember one May with snow. Me and Matt were on our way to the airport so we could go to Mexico - then there was a freak snowstorm and we crashed our car in the ditch. haha! Good times!
Sorry Jason, I too remember having snow in every month of the year except maybe July here in Medicine Hat. One August we planned to take the kids camping but it snowed so we thought we would go to Dinosaur Park. It snowed there too. Needless to say it was not a fun camp.
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