Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A brief thought on culture...

I like to think of myself as someone who appreciates good culture.  I love to travel and experience what I can of the world around me.  I love good music in its many forms.  I like to read when I have the time.  I've even gone to the Opera and ballet a few times with my wife... although I'll admit its been her 'suggestion.'

Perhaps I'm a bit dated in this position but I'm of the opinion that real culture sells itself.  If an experimental rock band from Toronto called 'Holy F--k' can't afford to travel to the UK on its own, why is that my problem?

Maybe I'm wrong and other significant aspects of culture the world over thrive only because of government handouts.  Things like Oktoberfest, Carnivale, and Apple Pie are saved by the divine providence of generous tax dollars.  Phew... what a relief.

If there are artists who are disappointed by a decreased availability in funding, than perhaps you should look at this as a new opportunity to promote what it is that you do.  And if you find that people still don't care, well, maybe there will be some job openings you can consider in the coming weeks.

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